Warner Bros. and Legendary Pictures tapped gaming specialist The Gang for activation of the film “Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire.” The activation, dubbed “Godzilla x Kong Obby,” is an immersive trailer hosted on Roblox. In it, players who a 2D for the movie are pulled into a virtual recreation of the film’s Hollow Earth environment.
“Godzilla x Kong Obby,” also exhibits the three characteristics of digital gameplay. Where all experiences with those properties are, in fact, digital games.
In other words, video games come in many shapes and sizes. So, here’s an explainer detailing everything brands and marketers need to know about digital gameplay.
Description: Explain what it means to be a digital game
Learning objective: Shape your understanding of digital gameplay
Running time: Approximately 2 minutes
Level: Beginner
Pre-requisites: Gaming Marketing Made Simple – Full Course